5 tips to breeze through (peri)menopause
Menopause is a natural process in every woman’s life (it is not a disease and should not be treated as such!) that marks the end of menstruation and the reproductive […]
The Mitochondrial and nutritional aspects of burnout syndrome
Burnout is a condition characterized by physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. From a functional and holistic perspective, burnout is not only a response to chronic stress, but involves deep biological […]
What do you see in the mirror?
I am often asked to help with “gaining/losing weight” as if there was a simple formula that can be applied to all with even results. I usually bounce a question […]
Overeating versus undernourished – “hunger” in the first world
Quality or Quantity For the first time in the story of Humanity there will be a new generation that has a lower life expectancy than its’ parents. This in happening […]
Your three first steps towards a healthier life
Would you like to know where to start your journey to a balanced diet from? There is no perfect diet for all. We are all so different. We vary in metabolism. […]
The Power Of Water
Some questions lead you “down the rabbit hole” Four years ago, while Charlie was in my uterus, I was studying the emotional kinesiology course by Francesc Marieges (a course that […]
Are fats as evil as they say?
At last! As the saying goes “The cat is out of the bag”. It has taken a while but the truth always reveals itself. Once again, the Food Industry […]
Birthday party menus
Allow me to suggest healthier ingredients! Seven years ago, I become a mother for the first time. That flow of unconditional love motivated me to apply my knowledge around nutrition […]